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The celebration of resurrection Sunday has recently passed us. And I am sitting here reflecting on one of the ultimate joys for a Christian because of it- heaven. It is waiting for those of us who know Jesus as Savior and Master. We know death is not the end. What do we get for an average lifespan upon this earth? Maybe 70, 75 years? But on the other, eternal side, the Christian knows there will be trillions of trillion years of freedom and joy.

Will you join us in a 40-day prayer challenge? Our challenge will kick off on April 3rd. Each family/person purchases a book and follows along with daily readings. Each person begins/continues recording prayer requests (Prayer List/Prayer Journal) Commit to daily reading the Scripture verse, the devotional, and praying Share testimonies in their Engage/Connect meetings Commit to memory key verses.

The enemy will always give us lots of excuses and reasons for not going, not serving, and not obeying! But, when our Lord calls, to wherever and whenever… to do whatever, may our answer be immediately, “I will go.”

Whenever you are building something for God, there are two voices that whisper in your ear. One voice is the voice of the enemy. This voice says that you are building a whole lot of nothing. The other voice, the voice of God, says just finish it out.

Imitation is the highest form of flattery. But if there is anything higher than that and more important than flattery itself, I would say it is to move beyond imitation to finding out who you are and the power of being you.

The audience of the book of Hebrews were Jewish Christians and they were getting hassled by the Jews in their community because they walked away from the teachings of Judaism, the Law, and the sacrificial system. The Jewish Christians were trusting in Christ alone and saw Him as far superior to anyone or anything else. They believed Jesus Christ was all they needed to trust and depend on.

This class for new converts and prospective new members is designed to overview the heart of Christianity and Triad Baptist’s purpose. To sign up for this class, please call the church office at 336.996.7573.

New sermon series by Pastor Rob. What's the point? A Study in Ecclesiastes.

It’s easy to feel good when you have life by the tail but in this Thanksgiving season, Lead Pastor Rob Decker explains how life’s hardest times can bring us closer to God and change our perspective.