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What's the Point?

TBC Featured POINT 19
The wisest man who ever lived pondered the question- what is the point of life? We all struggle with it. Solomon at the end of his life looked back and found that this question is answered only through discovering the answers to more questions. Questions like, can prosperity fix all of my problems? Are hardships the worst thing for me? How do I make the most of my life? How can I live without regrets? How can I experience true joy and peace in this crazy world?
Solomon did find the answers to all of these questions. But it wasn't an easy process and in the end, he found none of these gave real meaning. However, the answers he did find were profound yet simple, and they are found in the book of Ecclesiastes. Do you want to know the answers for yourself? Come take this journey into our new study, What's the point? the search for meaning in Ecclesiastes.

-Pastor Rob
Phase 2 Shot of TBC B&W 17

Join us Sunday at

9:00am Traditional Worship
10:30am Contemporary Worship