MISSION: “Making a big church small”

Our purpose at Triad Baptist Church is to connect people to Jesus, to other believers, and to service. There is a place for you to connect at Triad and we believe that the process starts in a small group setting. By spending time each week with a small group, you can build relationships with others, share life with them, and be encouraged to pursue Jesus Christ in all that you do.

It is our goal to have every member of our church involved in either a Connect Group or another similar small-group experience. While most groups are sermon-based, some are special interest groups focusing on topics such as parenting, marriage recovery, and Christian basics for new believers.


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What is a Connect Group? A Connect Group is made up of 8-14 people who meet weekly to focus on building significant relationships around studying God’s Word, praying for one another, serving together, and enjoying each other’s company.

Who are they for? Connect Groups are open to adults of all ages and seasons in life. Season-in-Life examples include Singles, Young Families, Parents of Children K-5, Parents of Teens, Empty Nest, Senior Adults, and Multi-Generational.

How do you choose a group? When selecting a group, we recommend you choose a group based on its leader/host team and Season-in-Life (common stage in life). These lifestage groupings are meant to help you select an appropriate group for you. They are not intended to limit your options.

How long do they last? Sessions last 8, 10, or 12 weeks depending on the season.  At the end of each session, you will have the choice of staying in the same group, trying a new group, or even taking a break. Connect Groups do not meet June through August.

What will we study? Most of the studies are based on the Sunday morning worship service message. Each week there will be a series of questions (SRQs, sermon review questions) to study before the meeting. 

What about childcare? Connect Groups are for adults only (exceptions can be made for nursing newborns). Each family will be responsible to work out their own childcare. Some groups may decide to share a sitter if the leader/host team is in agreement.


Questions? Email our Connect Groups Pastor, Jason Shuler at jason.shuler@tbcnow.org
You may also call the church office at (336) 996-7573 ext. 100.

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