DNOW Weekend

Triad Student Ministry's spring weekend retreat, centered around worship at TBC and host homes in our community.

DNOW 2025 Logo Cover 

2025 DNOW Weekend

Friday, March 21st - Sunday, March 23rd

Triad Baptist Church | Kernersville, NC


Register your student here!


DNOW is Triad Student Ministry's spring retreat weekend for middle and high school students, where they'll spend three days enjoying great worship, fellowship, teaching, and Bible study while staying with leaders in host homes provided by families in our church. Throughout the weekend, students will have the opportunity to serve the community and share the love of Christ with others through a SEND Project, and have time set aside each day for small group discussions in their host homes. The cost per student for DNOW, which includes all meals, activities, and a t-shirt is $50.



And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved. - Acts 2:42–47

The church as an institution has existed in various forms since Christ established it 2,000 years ago, but what did the early church really look like? How did believers interact with each other? What were the earliest practices of the church? How does today's American church compare? Join us for DNOW 2025, where we'll spend time studying chapter two of the Acts of the Apostles together, discovering how to be truly UNITED within the body of believers.



Dr. Rich Brown is the founder and president of NextGen Matters, a ministry focused on training and developling church leaders, particularly for student ministry. Rich is a former student pastor himself, and served as an Assistant Professor of Youth Ministries at Liberty University for 16 years. He has a passion for seeing students become lifelong disciples of Christ.



Click here to view the suggested packing list for DNOW.



  • Students will not be allowed to use their phones during DNOW. We feel strongly that a weekend away from phones and in fellowship with peers can be a great benefit for students and encourage deeper discussion and a distraction-free worship environment. Parents will receive an info sheet when checking their student in, which will include contact information for their assigned leader and host home.
  • We do not allow students to drive their own cars, or leave campus/activities during the weekend, unless prior arrangements have been made.
  • Pranks are not allowed during DNOW.



As the third facet of Triad Student Ministry's mission to reach, teach, and send students, Saturday at DNOW will include an exciting SEND Project, where students will have the opportunity to share the love of Christ with people in our community in a variety of ways. More information about this year's SEND Project is coming soon!



  • 6:00pm - Check-In Opens (Welcome Center)
  • 6:30pm - Dinner (Kids Cafe/Patio)
  • 7:30pm - Session 1 (The Peak)
  • 9:00pm - Late Night Activity
  • 9:45pm - Back to Host Homes
  • 10:00pm - Small Group Discussions
  • 9:00am - Session 2 (The Peak)
  • 10:30am - MS SEND Project, HS Activity
  • 12:00pm - Lunch
  • 1:00pm - HS SEND Project, MS Activity
  • 4:00pm - Free Time (Sports Field/Gym)
  • 5:00pm - Break/Back to Host Homes
  • 6:30pm - Dinner (Kids Cafe/Patio)
  • 8:00pm - Session 3 (The Peak)
  • 9:45pm - Late Night Activity (The Peak)
  • 10:45pm - Back to Host Homes
  • 11:00pm - Small Group Discussions
  • 9:00am - Breakfast (The Peak)
  • 9:30am - Session 4 (The Peak)
  • 10:30am - TBC Contemporary Service
  • 11:45am - Go Home!


Questions? Contact Us!


Kyle Cox | Student Ministry Pastor

(336) 996-7573 x147 | kyle.cox@tbcnow.org


Aidan Brooks | Student Ministry Associate

(336) 996-7573 x110 | aidan.brooks@tbcnow.org