Triad Baptist is updating its logo but not its mission.
The cross is still the center of the design but the new image features solid lines and curves instead of brushstrokes and a simpler font.
Each of the four quadrants around the cross represent Triad’s commitment to worship, serve, connect and reach to fulfill its mission of pointing lives toward Christ.
“We wanted to make the logo more timeless and make the change in synch with the opening of our new NextGen building addition this summer,” said Lead Pastor Rob Decker.
Nearing completion, the $7.1 million addition will give the church three new floors of classroom and other multipurpose space adjacent to the Worship Center/Gym the church opened in 2014.
“We’re certainly pleased with the logo update which has been in the works for about two years and hope it continues to remind our members and the community what we stand for as a church,” Decker said.
“We believe strongly that if we keep Jesus Christ at the center of everything we do in our worship, service, the way we connect with each other and reach out to the community then He will continue to use us to change lives for eternity in Kernersville and beyond.”
Design update
Creative Communications Director Jeremy Chandler led the redesign of the logo that had represented Triad Baptist for about a decade.
“Chad Watson who was on staff at the time had started that work and finishing it with a local designer was one of the first big projects I had when I came on staff here,” Chandler said.
“We wanted to make the change when it made sense, like a significant anniversary or the addition of a new building,” he said. “A rebranding requested by Triad Baptist Christian Academy temporarily put the project on hold but I was able to pick up where we left off this January and complete it.”
Picking a winner
The new image is the work of Chandler and local graphic designer Frank Hackl, whose son is a member of the church’s College and Career Connect Group.
Representatives from Triad’s youth, adult and women’s ministries played a role in the redesign effort.
“I tested the initial concepts I created in 2022 with them and then took their suggestions to Frank, who after studying our website and researching the church, gave me three different options,” Chandler said.
“I retested these with the same three groups and all voted and then with Pastor Rob who voted and then the pastoral staff who voted again. Everyone liked all the concepts but we went with the one with the most staff votes.”
Triad officially launched the new logo with a video at its April 30 services and passed out car magnets featuring it to attendees.
Chandler said the change from old to new in the project actually began in March for items like stationery, business cards and “New Here” gifts for visitors.
The transition’s most visible milestone comes this summer when the sign atop the Worship Center/Gym is changed and new signs go up on the NextGen building.
Chandler said members will be able to purchase new T-shirts and other branded items at Triad’s Awake Coffee Shop in July. The old logo will officially sunset in September.