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TBCA Blog Noah

Growing up while serving in my home church has been an impactful experience. Whether it was serving along-side my dad in Kid’s Street, volunteering in the church office, or going on middle and high school outreaches—from 5th grade to 10th grade—I consistently served. It was fun and I had multiple opportunities to put all my energy into some kind of church work, usually accompanied by my friends. In the early years of high school, serving and being in the church felt like a requirement and not “joyful.” At some point, my focus shifted from serving to reflect the love of Christ, to serving to be seen and to feel like a better Christian. It became easy to forget why I was serving and whom I was serving.

John 12:26 says, “If anyone serves Me, he must follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also; if anyone serves Me, the Father will honor him.”

At the end of 10th grade, I went with my dad and friends to Boulder Colorado for a church conference. The church was pastored by a close family friend and that weekend was full of worship and several speakers. One of the speakers, Pastor Trevor Lovingood, said something that I couldn’t stop thinking about all weekend: “If you’re not honest with God and trying to grow with Him, you’re not a part of a movement…you’re next to a movement.” This was spoken in context to a church in a spiritually dead community praying for a spiritual gospel awakening. I started thinking about this statement and couldn’t shake it.

As long as I can remember, I have always wanted to be a part of the gospel movement. In fact, while I was in the 8th grade, my desire was to work in the ministry. The Colorado conference experience raised questions for me: Was I being honest with myself about God? Was I being honest with God about my own spiritual state? I was saved but I had never pursued Christ. After honest conversations with Jesus, He led me to fully surrender my life, my will, and my ways to Him. That weekend Jesus told me in a moment that I needed to be baptized. I renewed my commitment and told Jesus I was open to doing whatever He wanted me to do.

On August 22nd, 2021, I was baptized. On that day I remember sitting and looking at the mountains and feeling so close to God. I made a commitment of honesty to God—to be honest to Him and follow His will. Since then, Jesus has given me gifts, opportunities, and a greater understanding of who He is and how I can serve Him and His people. He shaped my intentions and even gave me a position to serve on staff at Triad Baptist Church and opportunities to serve and lead His people in worship.

I would encourage students and young adults to be honest with God. Pray that God will shape your intentions and align your will with His own. Seasoned Christian adults—parents, leaders, and people of influence—I encourage you to mentor the young people around you to grow in Jesus. Set a Christ-like example, like the ones my parents and church leaders did for me. They encouraged me to be honest, vulnerable, and passionate in prayer. In turn, their encouragement has helped shape my lifestyle and the lives of many others for a spiritual movement of service and worship.

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Very honest testimony of surrender demonstrates your heart. I have been blessed to know you and watch your progress! Keep looking up!
This is great. I’m proud of you and love seeing you follow God and His leading! Having a front row seat watching you grow is both an honor and joy. Listening to you sing, play guitar, and speak makes my heart smile time and time again. Keep letting the Holy Spirit lead you. You are the next generation of leaders!
So good! What a great reminder that our relationship with Jesus is the most important thing we can pursue.
Love this Noah! So thankful for you. And so blessed to be serving our Lord together as a family. Dad
Noah, I love to see/hear how you have grown in your relationship with the Lord. It is so evident every time I talk to you around Triad or I listen to you singing and praising on stage. So happy and proud of the young man you have become!

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