Armour Of Light For Life
Romans 13:12
Ways to get involved:
Please Reach out for more info by emailing Linsey Huffman:
● In Person - On location, in person for 30 min to 1 hour shifts of just prayer (locations include Winston & Greensboro). You can join anytime during normal sidewalk advocating hours. This supports the work the Lord is doing through those that are trained to reach out to the moms, friends & families entering the clinic.
● From Home - Please devote time to help us pray from anywhere that you are during normal sidewalk hours. M-Sat, 8:00am - 12:00noon for Greensboro / Tuesdays, 9:30am - 6:00pm and Fridays, 8:00am - 2:00pm for Winston.
● Prayer Call - Join us on a live conference “prayer call” that happens on location in Greensboro every Mon/Tue/Thur/Fri/Sat mornings @ 8:30am. The call lasts 30 minutes and is a live look into the happenings of the day, on location with the advocates and nurses on the mobile unit. Also get brief daily updates on the ministry, this is a great way for those who have a heart for this ministry but just can’t make it to the sidewalk. Reach out to Linsey and she can get you the phone number plus the simple check in code.
Sidewalk Advocate / Client or Patient Advocate
● We offer training and shadowing opportunities to get started, through Sidewalk Advocates for Life. Reach out if you're interested, and to get upcoming training dates. (We have shifts in Winston and Greensboro, you can serve in daily/weekly or even monthly roles)
● For Client Advocates you would need to have some counseling or medical background. This would allow you to be on board our mobile unit when a mom requests a free ultrasound with one of our staff nurses. In this setting, The Lord provides a life affirming environment for the mom to recognize Hope in her situation and prayerfully choose Life. (We have a training for this at the end of March, these trainings don't happen as often)
● Mentors walk alongside moms that choose life that are paired with our church, or from our general area. We offer online training, through LoveLife, for church members that would like to be added to our list. It is such a joy to be able to share Hope with these moms throughout their pregnancy!! We even coordinate with the ability to host a baby shower for these moms when the time comes.
● Mentor Support is something we'd like to develop this year, and would be for those who don't feel confident in taking on a mom all by themselves. Some may feel they don't have the full capacity to take on the whole load. We are praying for a team of 5 to be support for our mentors, and check in on the moms when they can... we feel this will take some burden off of their full time
Care Center Connectors
● We need Members who would like to “get to know” our local centers. You would keep in touch with them weekly, so we would know their needs... coordinate when volunteers might be needed, and keep up with their upcoming events. This would help us update our social media and email chain.
● Dipes/Wipes/Swipes program – This was designed to find out when moms had a need and then alert the church, so we as a church can come to the rescue. The Care Center Connectors would communicate with us that a center was out of a certain size diaper, formula and/or wipes and we can get it posted.
Baby Shower Team
● This team is made up of families in the church that make up a team that goes into action when a mentee mom or family is at that developmental stage of pregnancy. We want to be able to bless them with all their essentials and Love on them like Jesus has called us to. This team shares many gifts and talents that they all use to make these occasions very special.
Prayer Walk Champion
● You don't have to wait until our church’s adoption and LoveLife focus week each year. LoveLife hosts prayer walks weekly starting in February and ending in November. You may attend any and all Saturdays in Greensboro on Randleman Rd., and LoveLife is even in need of volunteers on those Saturdays to help with setup, and crowd control. This is a great way for families to serve together!!
LoveLife Team & Coordinators
● This team will handle coordination of our LoveLife Sunday, prayer/fasting and signups for the Saturday Prayer Walk that happens 3 times a year. This is one week in the Spring, a youth event in September and the final 40 Week Celebration in the Fall. This would require communicating with the church office to get email announcements and social media posts together with Jeremey. Fun ideas going forward would be exciting updated videos, promoting the prayer walk events and a team going into Sunday School classes to get them pumped up the Sunday before events.
Healing ministry / Restored Life
● This is an opportunity to be trained to help post abortive women and men, and most
importantly get them connected to bible studies containing freedom from their shame and guilt, plus healing found in amazing resources that point them to Christ. LoveLife offers training through Restored Life and we will get you connected.
SNAC Class
● Making Life Diciples is a curriculum offered by CareNet and we'd like to be able to offer this to our church. We are looking for a member willing to pray about this, and facilitate this video based program. This is centered around a Life focus, and shows ways the Church can help in all kinds of crisis pregnancy situations to secure our role as a beacon in their storm. This is such an incredible way to learn how to use all our gifts to point others to Christ!!
Baby Bottle Campaign
● Need a team to coordinate this each year in June. This is a fundraiser we do for Salem Pregnancy each year.
Greeting Cards
● Coordinate with the Sidewalk team to keep them supplied with handwritten Hope in the form of greeting cards for these moms entering the abortion clinic. We are able to include these in the resources that we hand to these moms in crisis so they know they are not alone. Some of these cards will go into mom bags that we provide to women who come onboard the mobile unit for free ultrasounds.
Youth 4 Life
● Looking for a few adults to coordinate the Youth 4Life program that's getting off the ground this year with some ideas for upcoming events that support life and local resources, help with the Youth 4Life prayer walk in September outreach project and help recruit more youth.
● We need “teens” that want to stand firm in their faith and speak up for Life!!
Opportunities with Ministries aligned with ALL
● Hand 2 Hearts Yarn Ministry – invites adults, 18 years and older, experienced in crocheting or knitting to join them in making basic hats for all ages. (Hat patterns and yarn will be provided) For further information, please contact Carol Purington: |
● New Life Quilters — making efforts to create baby quilts for Salem Pregnancy Care Center (SPCC) of Winston-Salem. Our volunteers donate these quilts to new mothers and their infants as part of SPCC's outreach to encourage hurting women who find themselves in an unplanned pregnancy. Monthly meeting is held on the third Tuesday of every month 6pm-8pm in room G-214. For more information, please contact Teri Hurst Craven: |