Philosophy of Music
The use of music in the church will be for ministry: to God in worship, to fellow believers for enhancing worship and/or edification, and to the lost for evangelism and witness.
Meet Scott, our Traditional Worship Service Director
In the ministry of the church we primarily need good music with good words. The words are the channel of God’s ministry. The music, if it is properly conceived and related to the words, reinforces and makes memorable the song’s message.
Music in Scripture is associated with poetic and emotional expression of truth and experience. Music can be greatly used of the Lord to move the emotions which, together with right thinking (good words), stirs the will to action. Music stirs the believer to act on some truth. Music may be used to assist in setting an emotional tone or attitude so long as the words serve the purpose and not just the music. Hence, music serves a ministry function.
Music is a God-given vehicle for deeper emotional expression in worship. Most people find that the emotional aspect of praise, thanksgiving, confession of sin, and petition for pardon can be more richly expressed through a setting of words to the proper music. Music, with its emotional and poetic dimensions, is especially appropriate for enhancing a celebration and enjoyment of God in worship.
The Psalms speak of many instruments used for the praise of God. The Biblical principle is that God may and should be praised on all instruments. This may properly include band instruments, orchestral instruments, percussion, guitars, bells, synthesizers, etc., as well as piano and organ. Indeed, if it fits the church’s style of worship, and if members seek to use the gifts given to them, and if it can be done with proper quality, the church should involve more than a piano and organ in its worship. Taped background music should also fit this guideline.
The worship and music director, along with any other music leadership, has a teaching and exhorting role to help musicians learn inwardly the message they are singing or playing outwardly. Musicians need to be taught to put themselves wholly into communicating the message and not merely “delivering” the music. Rehearsal times will sometimes reflect teaching, meditation, exhortation, and prayer as well as rehearsal of singing and playing. Therefore, only the musician and singer who invests both quality and quantity of rehearsal time will represent the music program at our church.
There is a great opportunity here in the music ministry. It requires a personal commitment. Furthermore the opportunity of personal relationships that develop between the director and/or its members create a discipling, counseling, and shepherding environment. It is a strong fellowship community within the larger body.