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This fall our Sunday Night Adult Classes will feature seven areas of study.  Our classes will be ten weeks in length, and they will continue through November 10, 2024. Our core classes will be offered during three sessions per year.  Electives will be formed on the basis of creativity, interest, and speaker availability. Our core classes consist of personal growth in discipleship in order to prepare one for leadership positions at Triad Baptist and to develop the member into a mature Christian.

The following takes place from August 18-November 10, 2024

class time is 5:30-6:30PM unless otherwise stated

CLASS                                               STATUS TEACHER/ FACILITATOR LOCATION
First Step Class Timothy Core Group Pastor Rob Decker G-210
Sunday Evening Bible Study/ Hebrews Berean Core Group Jack Clagett E-115/116
Healing from Childhood Trauma - God's Way Berean Core Group Mark Stewart G-214
Love and Respect (5:00-6:30 PM)                                     Berean Core Group Robert & Jennifer Steele M221 (Gathering Room)
Reading the Bible for Life Berean Core Group Thomas Moore G-216
Hidden Hearts (Ladies Only) Berean Core Group Dana Austin G-203

Bibles, Beans, Bullets, and Bandages: Emergency
Preparedness for the Modern Day

Berean Core Group Eric Livingston & Tim Wall G-202



Fall Class Descriptions (class time is 5:30-6:30 PM unless otherwise stated):

  • First-Step – This class for new converts and prospective new members is designed to overview the heart of Christianity and Triad Baptist’s purpose. To sign up for this class please call the church office at (336) 996-7573.
  • Sunday Evening Bible Study / Hebrews – The book of Hebrews contains four very important warnings and some reminders of wonderful blessings. They were intended to help troubled believers face everyday pressures in A.D. 67. They warn against NEGLECT, UNBELIEF, TURNING BACK, and WILLFUL SIN. Blessings are promised when they hear of the person and work of Jesus Christ and the wonderful resource believers have in Him! We all need to be reminded of the consequences of unbelief and the alternative of blessings when we trust and rely on the work of God in Jesus Christ.
  • Healing from Childhood Trauma - God’s Way – Did you experience physical abuse, neglect, alcoholic parents, bullying, or other childhood trauma? Do you struggle with depression, anxiety or other issues related to that trauma? Jehovah-Rapha “The Lord Who Heals”, can heal and restore. Learn tools and techniques to step into the light of God’s healing. Limited to 10 people.
  • Love and Respect (5:00-6:30 PM) This class is based on the book, Love and Respect, by Dr. Emerson Eggerich. Through video you’ll see Dr. Eggerich and his wife, Sarah, share the same information they’ve shared with thousands of people in marriage conferences around the world. You’ll learn that cracking the communication code between husband and wife involves understanding one thing: that unconditional respect is as powerful for him as unconditional love is for her. Using Dr. Eggerich's breakthrough techniques, couples are achieving a brand-new level of intimacy and learning how to: stop the Crazy Cycle of conflict, initiate the Energizing Cycle of change and enjoy the Rewarded Cycle of new passion. This will be a fun and exciting way to strengthen your marriage. It is recommended that each person purchase the study workbook which will be available for $10.00.
  • Reading the Bible for Life – Have you ever wanted to grow deeper in your faith and knowledge of scripture but never knew where to start? Are you searching for answers that will bring you joy, peace and fulfillment as you study God's Word? If this is you, this class will cover a multitude of topics that will not only help you navigate the Bible, but they will help you strengthen your Christian walk.
  • Hidden Hearts (Ladies only) – God hides hearts all throughout His creation as little blessings for us to find. But the most precious heart to Him is the heart of His children. Ladies, how often do we hide our hearts from those around us and even try to hide them from our Heavenly Father? But thankfully, we serve a God that not only created us, but knows our every thought, need and want in life. So instead of hiding our hearts from Him, we can come to Him boldly and seek His help in our struggles. Let’s meet together and grow in our walk with God as we discuss the victory we can gain in Him over the anxieties, fears, doubts, and lies the world throws at us. Overcoming these issues will bring our hidden hearts into the glorious light of our Father and bring a healing only He can provide.
  • Bibles, Beans, Bullets and Bandages: Emergency Preparedness for the Modern Day- This course will cover a variety of topics concerning emergency preparedness. We will discuss preparing for various types of disasters, resource identification and collection, as well as storage for food and water. The course will present plans for urban, suburban and rural preparedness including determining when evacuation is necessary or when staying put is the best option. Tim Wall will assist and discuss urban gardening as well as homesteading. Join us for this adventure as we delve into this exciting and informative topic!


Core Classes:

The Timothy Core Group - The First Step - This new converts and new members class is designed to overview the heart of Christianity and Triad Baptist’s purpose.

The Paul Core Group - The Second Step - Basic Bible Doctrine - A believer is trained in the basics of Bible doctrine and Baptist distinctives and/or the principles of Biblical interpretation.

The Stephen Core Group - The Third Step - A believer identifies and develops his spiritual gifts. His passion is assimilated into a ministry.

The Andrew Core Group - The Fourth Step - Evangelism - A believer is framed in reproducing his faith to the outside lost world. This is accomplished by a teaching, modeling dynamic.

The Joshua Core Group - The Fifth Step: Leadership - A believer is trained in the characteristics of biblical leadership with the goal of stepping into a leadership position.

The Abraham Core Group - The Sixth Step: Prayer - A believer is instructed on the centrality of prayer.

The Barnabas Core Group - The Seventh Step: Stewardship – A believers’ financial accountability to God is discussed in the light of biblical guidelines for stewardship.

The Berean Core Group - The Infinity Step: Miscellaneous elective classes are offered over a period of time to further develop the individual interests of believers like theology, encouragement, ministry, etc.