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We often hear about the "Christmas blues," but there is also such a thing called the "post-holiday" blues too. It's caused by transitioning back into our regular, lackluster post-holiday schedules. Life now feels a little more undesirably silent.

The audience of the book of Hebrews were Jewish Christians and they were getting hassled by the Jews in their community because they walked away from the teachings of Judaism, the Law, and the sacrificial system. The Jewish Christians were trusting in Christ alone and saw Him as far superior to anyone or anything else. They believed Jesus Christ was all they needed to trust and depend on.

It’s difficult for many of us to understand how much God loves us or accepts us as we are. Scripturally, we are told that God loves us. He loves everybody, doesn’t He? But how much does He love us on a personal level? Does He accept us… warts and all? That’s a much different thought to ponder.