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Get ready for a meaningful and impactful off-site event as we come together for a community service project! We’re thrilled to partner with Lindsey Huffman from our ALL ministry to pack backpacks filled with food and essentials for children in need.

Are your daily tasks driven by divine guidance or external demands? Join Cheryl Manuel and Miriam Stanley at the Kids Street Worship Center on January 14 at 6 PM as they explore time management through a Biblical lens. Discover how to prioritize God’s intentions over the tyranny of the urgent and embrace a life of purpose and prayerful focus.

Join us on November 12th for a wonderful evening of fellowship, food, and encouragement! We are excited to welcome Ashley Hemphill as our special guest speaker. Ashley is a devoted wife, mother, and passionate lover of the Bible with a master’s degree in apologetics. She will guide us in deepening our understanding of God’s Word, equipping us to confidently share the gospel of Christ. Come be refreshed, inspired, and uplifted as we enjoy a meal together and connect with other women seeking to strengthen their faith. Don’t miss this powerful opportunity to grow in your walk with God! Cost: $7.00, Dinner included; Registration required. Registration Opens Soon

Come join us for a cozy gathering with coffee and sweet treats, where we can chat about cooking and Jesus! Imagine a relaxed setting where we can share our love for food and faith, building meaningful relationships along the way. Do you crave friendship and fellowship with other women? Let's take this time to encourage one another, share our hearts, fears, and triumphs. The Christian life is about fostering connections and community. It can be challenging to start, but together, we can navigate the "what ifs" and build lasting relationships. Let's come together tonight and share Jesus! (Dinner will be served.)

Vance Havner, a well-known North Carolina preacher, once said that God uses broken things. It takes broken soil to produce a crop, broken clouds to give rain, broken grain to give bread, broken bread to give strength. It is the broken alabaster box that gives forth perfume. Sometimes, God chooses to use the broken pieces of our lives to serve a greater purpose than the whole…even though we desperately beg for wholeness!

Topic: “Blessings Through Brokenness.”God knew where this life would take Kathy. She had dreams, but her dreams turned to ashes. She wants to share her road, choices, heartaches, fears, and testimony.There is a $5 fee for this event.

This month we will enjoy a special “Galentines” Ladies Connect on February 6 from 6 PM – 8 PM at the church. (exact location to be determined)

Ladies of all ages and stages are invited to join us for Ladies Connect on January 9 from 6-8PM at the church. (exact location to be determined) TBC Director of Women’s Ministries, Jodie Anker, will speak on the topic, “At the End of My Rope.”

Join us for an inductive Bible study on Joel & Obadiah. Inductive Bible study uses the Bible as its primary source of information about the Bible, so taking time to dig deeper into the passage of Scripture you’re reading—by looking at cross references, doing word studies, and letting Scripture interpret Scripture—will take your personal study of the Bible to the next level. Not only will you know what the passage meant to its original audience, but you’ll know how to apply it to your own circumstances.

Join us on Tuesday, November 14 at 6PM in the *Gathering Room, as we observe Jesus’ Hanukkah announcement that He was “The Light of the World”. Our guest speaker is Rev. Ken Overby. He is the director of Jewish Awareness Ministries. His insight will help us increase our Jewish awareness by experiencing the culture and customs of The Festival of Lights.