Sunday Morning Worship:
Our main goal in Kids Street Church is to provide a developmentally-appropriate worship environment which allows each child to learn about God in a personal way, and to ultimately prepare them for the adult worship service.
TBC Kids Street has fully-staffed, age-graded nurseries for these children. Each classroom provides personal care in a loving and safe environment.
Security is vital to our nursery program, and our Checkpoint Security System gives parents peace of mind as they worship and/or attend Sunday school.
In addition, our “one-of-a-kind” weekly Wiggle Worship service (9:10 AM each Sunday morning) in our Kids Street Worship Center allows our preschoolers the chance to learn about God and His Word through lessons and action songs in a very fun and interactive environment!
Finally, our older threes also have the awesome opportunity to participate in the early part of our 10:30 AM Kids Street Worship service!
Kids Street Church (10:30 AM on Sundays in the Kids Street Worship Center) is an amazing opportunity to come together and worship God! Of course our Checkpoint Security System is also utilized for this age group.
Our Kids Street Church services each week include exciting song-time, puppetry, birthday recognition (Can You Say BIRTHDAY BLASTER??), interactive lessons kids are sure to remember, using a variety of mediums – such as impactful lesson series from God's Word, object lessons, biblical chalk talks, exciting missionary “series” stories, drama, interactive plays, visual scripture memory, games, digital presentations, and more!
During our Kids Street Worship, most of our kids take the opportunity to serve in THEIR service, maybe to help lead singing on stage with Ms. Audra, operate the laptop, be an usher, use the laser pointer, pray, read scripture, operate the lighting, and even help with the lesson, and more! To learn about the different ways to serve in Kids Street Church, just click here.
Sunday Evening:
Sunday Evening Program
AWANA - click for more information.