The Triad Baptist Church choir will present beautiful music that will remind us of our own personal stories with Jesus. We will be reminded of the unimaginable sacrifice Jesus made on the cross, His victorious resurrection from the grave to give us everlasting life, the power of His justice and mercy in our lives, the amazing hope we have in Him and the depths of His overwhelming love.
To help tell My Easter Story, our Drama and Media teams have filmed the personal stories of some of the lives Jesus changed during His earthly ministry and even today.
Saturday and Sunday
April 1 & 2, 5:30 PM
Nursery provided for infants
Performances will be in the Worship Center located at 1175 South Main St. in Kernersville, just across the street from Wal-Mart and Chick-fil-A. For more information, call the church office at 336.996.7573.