Missions Policies

Triad Baptist Church – Kernersville, NC

In accordance with our convictions and the Biblical statements that man separated from God by sin is lost, and that our responsibility as a local church is to seek to fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) we hereby adopt this mission policy trusting God to bless our efforts and those of our missionaries and mission agencies, as representatives of our local church, to do the work of evangelism.

This policy is designed to help Triad Baptist Church achieve a clear sense of direction in its missions ministry. The charisma of the missionary, the “connections” of those seeking support, personal relationships and/or emotional attachments, while ever-present, should not be used as driving factors in making support decisions, but rather consistent, positive, ministry-appropriate decisions. It is desired that these policies be generally followed. However, it is realized that there shall be necessary exceptions, on occasion. Exceptions should be carefully documented to avoid establishing precedents and to accumulate a basis for policy revision.

Revisions to this policy must be approved by the Executive Leadership Team (ELT). The policy as set forth should be in agreement with the church’s philosophy and definition of missions. Should there be any conflict, church policy will dominate.


Mission Committee Appointments:

1. When the current missions’ committee chairman rotates off the committee he will confer with the Outreach Ministry deacon and the senior pastor regarding his replacement. He will then recommend a new chairman to the nominating committee who will then be submitted to the church for a vote.

2. The members of the committee shall serve terms of 3 years each with terms staggered so that only one third will rotate off each year.

3. The makeup of the committee should represent all aspects of the church family (i.e., senior, youth, single, etc.) as closely as possible and should not exceed twenty-one (21) members.

4. Re-appointments and expansion of the mission committee shall be recommended by the mission committee, approved by the nominating committee, and presented to the church for approval.

5. Only those who meet the following qualifications shall be appointed to the missions committee:

          A. A voting member in good standing with the church.

          B. A spiritually-minded and mature Christian

          C. Have a demonstrated interest in missions.

          D. Committed to support and advance the philosophy of missions and mission policies of this church.

          E. Willing to attend mission committee meetings and perform committee responsibilities

          F. In agreement with the principle of faith, doctrinal statement, and policies of Triad Baptist Church.


Mission Committee Responsibilities:

1. Maintain and implement the missions’ policies of Triad Baptist Church.

2. Recommend changes to the missions’ policies that would better serve the goal of missions.

3. Stay abreast of current trends and issues in missions.

4. Seek out missions endeavors as may best enable the church to fulfill the great commission, including recommending new missionaries for support.

5. Promote and coordinate the interest of the church in missions.

6. Endeavor to educate the church in mission activities and opportunities.

7. Encourage the members of the church to consider missionary service.

8. Promote prayer support for missionaries and mission endeavors.

9. Plan and promote special missions projects and service within the church and community.

10. Plan all missions’ conferences of the church.

11. Plan all commissioning services, farewells, welcomes, receptions, and the like, involving missionaries who are supported by and are members of Triad Baptist Church.

12. Select and schedule missionary speakers on a regular basis.

13. Prepare an annual missions budget proposal to submit to the finance committee.

14. Maintain follow up with missionaries currently supported and provide periodical feedback to the church.

          A. Ensure regular status reports from supported missionary.

          B. At least semi-annually, review each missionary’s support level in light of current conditions, faithfulness, and local issues and consider a change in support level (i.e., increase or decrease) as deemed appropriate.

15. Meet on a regular basis and maintain accurate minutes of all meetings.

16. Respond to missionary’s requests promptly.


Missions Personnel:

Missionaries supported by Triad Baptist Church should meet the following criteria:

1. One who is born-again, evidences a “walk worthy of the Lord” (Colossians 1:10), and holds to and practices the same beliefs, convictions, and philosophy of missions and ministry as Triad Baptist Church.

2. One who evidences genuine dedication to and desire for the work of missions.

3. One who has the complete recommendation and approval of Triad Baptist Church and/or their home church (i.e., one who has gifts, abilities, and maturity for missions).

4. One who has adequate training, evident talent, and demonstrated the ability to accomplish what he/she is being sent to do.

5. One who is associated with a mission agency and/or local church that is in agreement with our principles of faith and doctrinal position.

6. One who subscribes, without reservation, to our philosophy of missionary-to-church accountability.

7. One who has undergone the Missionary Selection Process as prescribed in that section of these missions’ policies.


Missionary Selection Process:

1. The missionary candidate shall complete the Missionary Support Application, the missionary’s home church shall complete the Pastor/Home Church Questionnaire, and the missionary’s mission agency shall complete the Mission Agency Questionnaire (if applicable).

2. A representative(s) of the missions committee shall interview the missionary with respect to the qualifications of missionaries.

3. A written report of the interview shall be prepared and retained in the minutes of the missions committee. If the recommendation of the committee is to send out the missionary, such recommendation shall be given to the ELT for their review. If they concur with the recommendation of the missions' committee, the missions' committee shall send a letter of intent of support to the missionary.

4. A time shall be established for the missionary candidate to present his/her ministry to the church unless such presentation has already been given.

5. At the next regularly scheduled business meeting, the recommendation to send the missionary shall be brought before the congregation by the missions' committee.

6. Following approval, the missions committee shall send a letter and covenant of agreement to the missionary, his/her home church, and the mission agency, informing them of our decision.  The amount of monthly financial support will be provided and the date on which such support shall begin.

7. A covenant of agreement incorporating general provisions for support and all expectations from missionary shall be received before support begins.

8. If, at any point in the selection process, the decision is made to not send out the missionary; the missions' committee shall inform the missionary in writing of that decision and the reason(s) why.


Financial Support of Missions

General Provisions for Support:

Financial support for a particular missionary shall normally begin as soon as practical following approval by the church. The granting of such support shall be as soon as possible after the missionary has presented his/her work. Our church’s financial support shall not be held contingent upon a missionary’s attainment of other financial support or upon departure for the field.

Triad Baptist Church’s basic policy for support is that if a missionary is worthy of being supported by the church, he/she is deserving of financial support that shall substantially assist him/her on the field.

Furthermore, we shall limit support to that number of missionaries with whom the church can practically and adequately be acquainted. Our desire is for a close and intimate relationship with each missionary.

The missions committee will give consideration to additional temporary support for special circumstances, national disasters, etc. It is the position of Triad Baptist Church that the missionary’s financial support should be from the local church. Therefore:

1. Personal communication with members of Triad Baptist Church is encouraged, however, any individual solicitation of funds must be approved by the missions' committee.

2. Individuals, classes, or small groups of the church shall not take on missionary support or obligation of Triad Baptist Church missionaries, except with the approval of the missions committee, however; all individual members, classes, and groups are urged to be involved in a ministry of encouragement through prayer, calls, e-mail, cards, and other contacts. This may include a seasonal gift or care package.


Guidelines for Support:

The missions' committee, in accordance with the current budget capabilities, shall determine missionary support. Evaluation of a missionary’s support shall be done by the missions' committee on a semi-annual basis, as well as before the missionary returns to the field from furlough. If at any time changes take place that could affect the church’s financial support of the missionary, the missionary and the mission agency must promptly inform the church.


Termination of Support:

Financial support shall be terminated for any of the following reasons:

1. Departure from the beliefs, convictions, and philosophy of missions and ministry of Triad Baptist Church.

2. If, in our good judgment, it is found that the person is involved in sin that would disqualify them from effective ministry.

3. Lack of cooperation with Triad Baptist Church or the mission agency.

4. Failure to be faithful to the assigned ministry.

5. Request or resignation of the missionary; subject to review.

6. The inability of Triad Baptist Church to carry on the financial obligation.

7. Lack of need by the missionary (i.e. full support from other sources).

8. Unacceptable change in ministry or agency on the part of the missionary.


Retirement Policy:

Triad Baptist Church supports scores of missionaries and missions organizations all over the world.  In an effort to streamline our retirement policy, we will be limiting support to a maximum amount of $100 monthly for retired missionaries who do not remain on their foreign fields.  This is an effort to continue some level of support for many years of missions service, while also being able to support new, church-planting missionaries.  This policy went into effect in January 2020. 

Upon retirement and return to the US, the fully supported monthly amount will drop to the retirement amount of $100 monthly.  This retirement support will continue to be received for two years to help missionaries with their retirement transition.


Missionary Furloughs:

During furlough, the missionary is strongly encouraged to spend time in our church. The missionary shall spend this time involved in the ministries of our church, including field reports and other missions' education.

Our desire is to work with the missionary to share ministry without creating an undue burden.

Triad Baptist Church shall continue its financial support to the missionary during normal furloughs.

Extended or frequent furloughs and leaves of absence shall be evaluated on an individual basis.


Missionary Evaluations

Semi-Annual Evaluations:

The missions committee shall evaluate, on a semi-annual basis, each missionary that is supported by Triad Baptist Church to determine:

1. If his/her financial needs are being met.

2. If the work is productive. This is a very subjective matter and must be carefully analyzed to ensure that our church does not take on a judgmental attitude and does not base any decisions on numbers alone.

3. If the missionary still meets the qualifications prescribed in these policies.

4. Confirm reporting requirements are being met.


Supplemental Evaluations:

In addition to, or in lieu of, semi-annual evaluations, the Missions Committee may conduct a supplemental evaluation of a missionary at such a time it deems necessary or appropriate. Such situations can include:

1. The missionary changes fields.

2. The missionary changes mission agencies.

3. If there is a reason to question the missionary’s doctrine or practice.

4. If the ministry of the missionary changes.

5. If the missionary extends his/her furlough beyond what is considered “usual and expected.”

6. If one or more members of the missions' committee or a pastor visit the missionary on the field.

7. If the missionary makes a decision for further study in lieu of deputation or furlough.

NOTE: This is not meant to discourage advanced studies, but rather to ensure that our mission’s dollars are being spent wisely, with a view toward having the greatest present and future impact.