If you’re hoping someone you care about will change, and if you want to be proactive in helping that change happen, you should act the way you want that other person to act. That is, you go first.
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Sept 12, 2021
Give me all the Bacon & Eggs you Have
Vivamus gravida luctus feugiat. Sed sed dolor augue. Curabitur leo ex, vehicula vel orci vitae, elementum placerat nisi. Suspendisse vel urna vel neque tempus Vivamus gravida luctus feugiat. Sed sed dolor augue. Curabitur leo ex, vehicula vel orci vitae, elementum placerat nisi. Suspendisse vel urn…

Academy Play: "Over Our Heads"
In Over Our Heads, sisters Shirlee and Troodee Tingle run a small-town beauty shop with a secret hairspray formula passed down from their great-grandmother. When the formula is stolen, they team up with a charming British detective, his eccentric sidekick, and a local anchorman eager for a reality documentary. Together, they unravel a web of secrets in their quirky town, racing against time to recover their family's legacy while facing unexpected twists and turns.
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Battle Ready
Battle Ready is a scripture memory accountability group that meets the 4th Sunday of each month in room E116 after the second service at 11:45-12:30. We share the powerful verses of God’s precious Word that we have been memorizing and meditating on. All are welcome! February 23rd is the next meeting. Contact April Vernon (336-803-1132) for more info.
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Celebrate Baptism With Us on March 9th
Join us as we celebrate our quarterly baptism of those taking this important step of faith and obedience in their walk with Christ on March 9, 2025 in the Worship Center.
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Night of Worship and Prayer
Join us on March 9th for a powerful "Night of Worship and Prayer" as we kick off this year’s 40-Day Prayer Challenge! The Triad Worship Band and our pastoral team will lead us in a meaningful time of music and prayer, setting the stage for authentic worship. The evening begins at 5:30 PM in the Worship Center. Bring a friend and prepare for an uplifting night of worship!
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Faithful Friends | Movie Matinee
Join us for our Faithful Friends Movie Matinee afternoon. We will meet in The Peak (the Youth Room) to watch "The Forge" at 3 p.m.
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40 Day Prayer Challenge, 2025
Will you join us in a 40-day prayer challenge? Our challenge will kick off on March 5. Hey church family! We're excited to kick off our 40-Day Prayer Challenge, and we hope you'll join us. Together, we'll dive into Draw the Circle by Mark Batterson, reading daily prayer-focused devotions that will strengthen our faith and deepen our prayer lives. Here’s how you can participate:
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TBCA is Making a Difference!
At TBCA, we are continually amazed by the accomplishments of our students and the unwavering support of our dedicated faculty and families. As we look toward the future, we remain committed to nurturing hearts and minds for God’s glory. Join the TBCA Family! There’s always a place for you at Triad Baptist Christian Academy. Whether you're looking to enroll your child, explore faculty opportunities, or give back by volunteering, we would love to have you be part of our growing TITAN NATION family. Visit tbcanow.org to learn more and get involved today.
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Communion Sunday is February 23rd
Join Us for Communion, Sunday, February 23rd during both services.
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Celebrate Baptism With Us on January 26th
Join us as we celebrate the quarterly baptism of those taking this important step of faith and obedience in their walk with Christ on January 26, 2025 in the Worship Center.
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Date Night with Jon Bowman
Join us on Friday, March 14 at 6 PM in the Worship Center. Couples and singles of all ages are invited to join us for dinner and an encouraging message from guest speaker, Pastor Jon Bowman.
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TBC Ladies Connect Serve Project
Get ready for a meaningful and impactful off-site event as we come together for a community service project! We’re thrilled to partner with Lindsey Huffman from our ALL ministry to pack backpacks filled with food and essentials for children in need.
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Beacons of hope
Triad’s latest Heritage Award winners find joy in serving others in Jesus Christ’s name—together.
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Ladies Connect, January 2025
Are your daily tasks driven by divine guidance or external demands? Join Cheryl Manuel and Miriam Stanley at the Kids Street Worship Center on January 14 at 6 PM as they explore time management through a Biblical lens. Discover how to prioritize God’s intentions over the tyranny of the urgent and embrace a life of purpose and prayerful focus.
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Hope for the Holidays
As we begin to prepare our hearts in celebration of the birth of our Lord and Savior, we invite you to join us for a special candle lighting ceremony as we remember our loved ones who have gone on before us. This is a FREE, FAMILY EVENT as we celebrate Christ as the light of the World, the Giver of eternal life, and the source of our strength; fellowship; sing; and light candles in remembrance of loved ones. Refreshments will be served immediately following the ceremony. Forms will be available in the Welcome Center if you would like to light a candle and have your loved one’s name read in remembrance. You may also contact the Church office at (336) 996-7573. Please note that we must receive your form by or before December 9 for preparation of materials.
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Stuck at the Bump
I had been in line for a solid ten minutes at the Demolition Derby, my eyes fixed on the navy bumper car with the silver streak. I was with a good friend who had already chosen the red car, her favorite. While I kept a sharp watch to ensure I’d get my pick when the gate finally opened, she seemed lost in thought. Naturally, I was curious—what had caught her attention?
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The New that Really Matters
I have to be honest – some weeks are really tough. I really can’t explain it. Read Mr. Tim's latest blog.
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I Can See Clearly
I was driving down the interstate that all the signs on my side of the road were blurry and I couldn’t read them clearly until I was almost right at them. I knew I had been able to read them from farther away before so I knew something had changed.
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TBC Family Thanksgiving Lunch
Join us for our annual TBC Thanksgiving meal on Sunday, November 24, in the Activity Center! To accommodate everyone, we’ll serve during two time slots, so you can choose what works best for you and your family. Sunday School classes and Kids Street will run on their regular schedules. We look forward to sharing this special time of gratitude and fellowship with you!
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"You Asked for It"
“You Asked for It,” and now it’s time for answers! Join us for a special Q&A night on Sunday, November 17, with pastors Rob Decker, Jason Shuler, and Robert Steele as they tackle your most pressing questions. This engaging evening will begin at 5:30 PM The Gathering Room. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear insightful, biblically-based perspectives and connect with our church community!
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Grateful Giving Month
November is Grateful Giving Month at TBC! This month, Triad Baptist Church wants to celebrate and thank the incredible volunteers who faithfully serve every Sunday, creating a safe, welcoming, and beautiful environment for all. We also want to recognize those who serve in our community, both on and off campus, sharing the love of Christ in ways that draw others to our Savior. We are blessed to have hundreds of dedicated individuals who generously give their time and talents in service to others. Thank you for being the hands and feet of Jesus!
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Peace in PRAYER
If you’re like me when you hear this story you start to wonder about your own prayer life don’t you? There’s no way I could ever pray that powerfully or have the kind of faith that this guy had. I think this is the normal state of mind of most people today. Or maybe you fall into the category that is a dirty secret in church circles. You’ve prayed, asking God to heal you or someone you care about, to fix a relationship, or to work in some other critical capacity in your life and the return answer or response from the Lord has been mute
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Missions Emphasis Sunday '24
Join us on Sunday, October 13th, for our annual Missions Emphasis Sunday! We’re thrilled to welcome four of our missionaries who will be visiting both our Sunday morning Connect Classes and worship services. Our special guest, Chad Connelly, founder and CEO of Faith Wins, will also be joining us. In the evening, Chad will lead a "town hall" style Q&A at 5:30 PM in the Kids Street Worship Center. We look forward to seeing you there!
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Ladies Connect, November 2024
Join us on November 12th for a wonderful evening of fellowship, food, and encouragement! We are excited to welcome Ashley Hemphill as our special guest speaker. Ashley is a devoted wife, mother, and passionate lover of the Bible with a master’s degree in apologetics. She will guide us in deepening our understanding of God’s Word, equipping us to confidently share the gospel of Christ. Come be refreshed, inspired, and uplifted as we enjoy a meal together and connect with other women seeking to strengthen their faith. Don’t miss this powerful opportunity to grow in your walk with God! Cost: $7.00, Dinner included; Registration required. Registration Opens Soon
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Life for Babies Quilt Fundraiser
Join us every Sunday in October at the Kid’s Kafe to browse and purchase beautiful handmade quilts! All proceeds support mothers who have chosen life for their babies, with funds going directly toward creating more quilts for these families. This is a wonderful chance to get a head start on your holiday shopping while supporting a meaningful cause. Come by, shop, and make a difference!
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Ladies Connect, October 2024
Join us on October 1st at 6PM for a time of fellowship as we hear the amazing testimony of Pam Elliott.
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Family Fall Fest
Join us for a fantastic evening at the Family Fall Fest at Triad Baptist! This community event has something for everyone, featuring Trunk ‘r Treat, exciting games, and plenty of activities—all free of charge! Don’t forget to bring cash for food trucks and drinks, and come dressed in your favorite costume. It's the perfect night to make memories with your family and friends, so be sure to invite someone along!
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Men's Night, Sept. 13
Our annual men’s fellowship is Friday, September 13 at 6 PM in the Worship Center; the cost is $10. Our guest speaker this year is Pastor Matt Smith from Lebanon Baptist in Greensboro. Register by CLICKING HERE. Got Questions? please contact jason.shuler@tbcnow.org
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"In the Kitchen" - Ladies Connect, Sept. 10
Come join us for a cozy gathering with coffee and sweet treats, where we can chat about cooking and Jesus! Imagine a relaxed setting where we can share our love for food and faith, building meaningful relationships along the way. Do you crave friendship and fellowship with other women? Let's take this time to encourage one another, share our hearts, fears, and triumphs. The Christian life is about fostering connections and community. It can be challenging to start, but together, we can navigate the "what ifs" and build lasting relationships. Let's come together tonight and share Jesus! (Dinner will be served.)
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Summer at TBC: updates 2024
At TBC, we're thrilled about the future! This summer, we've focused on investing in the next generations through our Student Ministry missions trip, FUGE Camp, children's camps, and the ever-popular Vacation Bible School. We've also remodeled key areas of our campus to create a better environment for the fall. Soon, we'll kick off a new school year, launch a new season of Ladies Connect, and restart SNAC and Connect Groups. Plus, Pastor Rob is preparing an exciting new sermon series for the fall. Get ready--we can't wait to grow together and serve our community in even bigger ways!
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New SNAC coming this fall!
This fall our Sunday Night Adult Classes will feature seven areas of study. Our classes will be ten weeks in length, and they will continue through November 10, 2024.
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Put the Past at the Curb
There was treasure found in that trash at the curb that night. I was guilty of clinging to the past—the celebrations, disappointments, the good times, and the bad—as reminiscent relics displayed on the mantleof my life.
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Registration VBS 2024: BUILD
Register now for this year's VBS. SPACE IS LIMITED! (Registration Deadline is July 8.) The theme for VBS 2024 is BUILD: Build Your Life on Jesus! Every night at Triad’s Vacation Bible School, children ages 3 through grade 5 will discover the importance of building your life on Jesus - choosing to follow Jesus and seek Him in every area of your life!
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Baby Bottle Campaign THIS month!
Fill a bottle - change a life! TBC ALL ministry is partnering with Salem Pregnancy Center to raise money to help educate and offer practical support to women and men facing an unplanned pregnancy. Scan the QR code to donate online, or grab a baby bottle from the Welcome Center; fill it with change; and return it by the end of June.
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Do Right! even when it isn't popular.
Samuel consistently obeyed the Lord, stood up for the Lord’s way when it wasn’t popular to anyone at the time, and served people with the care and love of God. Starting as a boy in one temple, God moved him to be the last judge for the entire nation. God loves using young people. What little thing is calling you to do for Him now? What big thing could he turn that into later?
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BUILD: VBS Volunteers Needed
THE COUNTDOWN IS ON!!! All calendars are set for the week of July 14-18 (Sunday-Thursday), one of the most anticipated and exciting weeks on our church calendar each year. This special week provides each of us with the opportunity to continue teaching our precious little ones about our Savior. However, reaching our own children isn’t enough. WITH TOTAL CHURCH INVOLVEMENT, we also hope to reach out into our local community, sharing with them that there is indeed hope!
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HS & College Graduate Sunday 2024
May 19,2024 | Triad Baptist Church would like to honor your graduating senior during our 10:30am service on May 19,2024. Students are encouraged to wear their cap and gown for this special service. Families are invited to decorate a table to honor their graduate that will be set up in the church lobby on that morning as well.
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Reflecting on Heaven
The celebration of resurrection Sunday has recently passed us. And I am sitting here reflecting on one of the ultimate joys for a Christian because of it- heaven. It is waiting for those of us who know Jesus as Savior and Master. We know death is not the end. What do we get for an average lifespan upon this earth? Maybe 70, 75 years? But on the other, eternal side, the Christian knows there will be trillions of trillion years of freedom and joy.
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40-Day Prayer Challenge
Will you join us in a 40-day prayer challenge? Our challenge will kick off on March 5th. Each family/person purchases a book and follows along with daily readings. Each person begins/continues recording prayer requests (Prayer List/Prayer Journal) Commit to daily reading the Scripture verse, the devotional, and praying Share testimonies in their Engage/Connect meetings Commit to memory key verses.
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Ladies Connect, April 9th
Vance Havner, a well-known North Carolina preacher, once said that God uses broken things. It takes broken soil to produce a crop, broken clouds to give rain, broken grain to give bread, broken bread to give strength. It is the broken alabaster box that gives forth perfume. Sometimes, God chooses to use the broken pieces of our lives to serve a greater purpose than the whole…even though we desperately beg for wholeness!
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TBC Choir Easter Celebration Concert: My King Is Known by Love
Join us at the 9 AM Sunday morning service, March 24, in the Worship Center, as the TBC Adult Choir presents a 30-minute Easter Celebration Concert, My King Is Known by Love.
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Spring SNAC Schedule
This spring our Sunday Night Adult Classes will feature four areas of study. Our classes will be nine weeks in length and they will continue through May 19, 2024. Our core classes will be offered during three sessions per year. Electives will be formed on the basis of creativity, interest, and speaker availability. Our core classes consist of personal growth in discipleship in order to prepare one for leadership positions at Triad Baptist and to develop the member into a mature Christian. The following takes place from March 10-May 19, 2024
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Finding Our Purpose
A 2021 study found that most Americans aren’t sure what their purpose in life could be, or how they could find more meaning in it. What should our purpose in life really be? The good news is, this is a question the Bible answers very clearly.
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Ladies Connect, March 5th
Topic: “Blessings Through Brokenness.”God knew where this life would take Kathy. She had dreams, but her dreams turned to ashes. She wants to share her road, choices, heartaches, fears, and testimony.There is a $5 fee for this event.
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BIG Safe House News!
We have some exciting news to share from one of our missionaries. Reba Bowman, of Dare for More, has a special video announcement. Check it out!
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‘He always comes through’
By learning to trust God for the littlest of things, Triad’s latest Heritage Award winners have experienced a joyful life of faith.
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National Sanctity of Human Life Day
On January 22, 1984, President Ronald Reagan issued a presidential proclamation designating the third Sunday of January (or close to that) as National Sanctity of Human Life Day. Our Armour of Light for Life is celebrating on January 14th.
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TBC Holiday Viewing
We are blessed with some incredible talent at TBC. So many are gifted and love to share their talents for nothing more than the glory of God and to make others happy. Check out our YouTube Channel where you can see tons of content. "Like" and Subscribe" if you will!
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From “Bah, humbug” to “God bless us, everyone!”
The “bah humbug” days will come. But, the power of God brings great peace and joy to the believers, to those who have embraced His saving grace and seek to abide in His presence.
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Precepts Inductive Bible Study of Joel & Obadiah
Join us for an inductive Bible study on Joel & Obadiah. Inductive Bible study uses the Bible as its primary source of information about the Bible, so taking time to dig deeper into the passage of Scripture you’re reading—by looking at cross references, doing word studies, and letting Scripture interpret Scripture—will take your personal study of the Bible to the next level. Not only will you know what the passage meant to its original audience, but you’ll know how to apply it to your own circumstances.
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Pivot, Shoot, Swish and Score!
Sometimes we need to pivot around our initial agenda for the spiritual sake of our audience. Who knows what kind of impact we may have if we allow our agendas to be set by God’s? And to be sure, God will most definitely encourage us with His grace in the process.
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Fullness of Joy
The essence of this year’s story is simply this: things are going to go wrong, we are going to lose loved ones, and sin abides, but because of Jesus, even when things are wrong—they are right. It’s all a part of His divine plan. We can’t control circumstances, but we can control reactions. Grieving hearts and selfish spirits sink to the bottom when we are "filled to the brim" with Jesus.
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Confidence, in the Worst of Circumstances!
In tough times, it is good to remember that God is truly someone who can ALWAYS be trusted.
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Ladies Connect - "The Light of the World"
Join us on Tuesday, November 14 at 6PM in the *Gathering Room, as we observe Jesus’ Hanukkah announcement that He was “The Light of the World”. Our guest speaker is Rev. Ken Overby. He is the director of Jewish Awareness Ministries. His insight will help us increase our Jewish awareness by experiencing the culture and customs of The Festival of Lights.
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Down, Down, Down, Down, Down!
God wants to work in our lives and to help us handle the issues and decisions that life presents us. Only then can we experience true joy as opposed to the temporary relief that running away from our problems offers.
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Content in Chaos
God wants to take your situation and use it for your good and ultimately for His glory. He wants to remind us that wherever we find ourselves, we can make it, because it is only through Him that we can find the strength.
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SERVE - Find your place at TBC
The church is so much more than a service on the weekend. It’s about connecting with other people, growing in your faith, and building a strong foundation for your family. We work hard to provide many ways to get involved. Check out some of the ways you can serve below! OR Click Here to fill out our SERVE Opportunities Card.
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Ladies Connect- October 3
Please join us on October 3rd in the Gathering Room from 6-8 PM to hear Pastor Rob speak about secrets. There is no charge for this event. We look forward to seeing you there!
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3 Questions to Exercise Your Faith
As you read God’s Word, find the promises He makes to you; use this three-question exercise, and find your joy increase as you realize you have a God who keeps His word in your life.
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Men’s Night, September 29
Our annual men’s fellowship has been moved to Friday, September 29 at 6pm in the Worship Center cost is $10. Our keynote speaker is Chad Connelly. Chad is the former chairman of the South Carolina Republican Party and has served as the Republican National Committee’s Director of Faith Engagement. More information about Chad can be found at faithwins.org.
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Leave it at the Cross
My challenge to you is to take it to the cross and leave it at the cross! Walk free and rest in our Lord's strength!
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Ladies Connect, September 12
Ladies Connect Meeting September 12 | 6 PM Please join us for the first Ladies Connect meeting of the ’23 -‘24 season. It will be held on September 12 in the Gathering Room. The main session will be from 6 PM – 8 PM. We will be serving a light dinner and having a craft night. The topic for this meeting is going to be “Defining My Undefined Path.” We are excited to see women of all ages back together after our summer break. Keep an eye on our social media pages for updates! Signup online by CLICKING HERE.
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“Great is Thy Faithfulness”
When a person is consistently doing the right thing, they are called “faithful.” The longer a person does the right thing, the more you trust them and are loyal to them.
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Leaders in the Making
I do love all of God’s Word, but I am especially drawn to the exciting accounts of young people who demonstrated incredible courage and leadership, especially in challenging times.
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Living a Sent Life!
Could this trip be dangerous? Anywhere can be dangerous these days, but to our concerned loved ones, it was very dangerous. However, I never felt fear! This is a huge sign it was God because fear is something I struggle with!
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TBC Summer Survey, 2023
Part of the process to becoming a church that embodies our mission to worship, connect, serve and reach is the ability to honestly reflect upon where we are and where we want to be. Please take a few moments to fill out the following surveys--it will help our Triad Team to be able to determine the best next steps as we move forward alongside the next generation.
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Triad Baptist to open ‘NextGen’ building in July
Better equipping all the church’s ministries to point lives toward Christ is the goal of Triad’s new NextGen multipurpose building.
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Congratulations Titans, Class of 2023
We are so proud of our class of 2023! Triad Baptist Christian Academy began more than 15 years ago and is honored to be graduating our seventh class of seniors this year. As the largest ministry, respectfully, of TBC, it is our desire to assist and support the parent in laying a foundation that will help each child choose Christ as their personal Savior, increase in academic knowledge with a Christian worldview, and develop talents according to his or her God-given potential.
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New logo, same mission
Triad Baptist has a new image to visually represent its continued commitment to worship, serve, connect and reach to point lives toward Christ.
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VBS 2023: Register NOW!
THE COUNTDOWN IS ON!!! All calendars are set for the week of July 16-20 (Sunday-Thursday), one of the most anticipated and exciting weeks on our church calendar each year. This special week provides each of us with the opportunity to continue teaching our precious little ones about our Savior. However, reaching our own children isn’t enough. WITH TOTAL CHURCH INVOLVEMENT, we also hope to reach out into our local community, sharing with them that there is indeed hope!
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My Hope is from Him!
Day after day, I looked at the “hopeless” tray in disgruntled annoyance. This drew out in me all the frustrations and daily defeats I wrestled with sinking me lower into a hopeless state! While cleaning, I moved the infamous tray creating a different perspective - and there was my "hope"!
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"Secret of Giving" Dinner Show 2023
Merry & Bright’s Secret of Giving Friday-Saturday, April 28-29, 6:30 PM ABOUT THE SHOW: Are you ready to “let the good times roll?” Join us for an evening of fun family entertainment as our TBC Student Ministry and Script’d. Drama Team presents a new fifties themed musical show! You’ll cruise down memory lane with familiar characters Merry and Bright as they travel back in time to the fabulous 50s to spark some joy and pump some hope into the hearts of the customers hanging out at the Day Dream Diner. Where there’s fun, there’s always a little conflict. Watch out! Hustle and Bustle may be lurking behind the jukebox. This inspirational story reminds us cherish God’s gift of time and talent, and to share our treasures with the world. Merry & Bright’s Secret of Giving features fun music from the golden age of family-fun. This event will run about 90 minutes from start to finish, including a 15-minute intermission. A three-course dinner will be served during the show. TICKETS: Tickets are required for this event. Order your tickets ON-LINE ONLY. Please print the ticket or show from your smart phone upon entrance. DINNER SHOW TICKET: $25.00 per person (includes dinner and show). TBC’s dinner show is a fundraising event! All proceeds, plus tips, will go to our Student and adult drama and audio/visual ministries. NURSERY PROVIDED for children 3 and under (complimentary). Please sign up when purchasing your tickets. MENU: Slaw, barbecue, roasted potatoes, green beans, a dinner roll, and banana pudding. Water, coffee, tea will be served. FAMILY PHOTO OPPORTUNITIES: Arrive early for a free fabulous 50s-themed family photo!
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Part of the Movement
As long as I can remember, I have always wanted to be a part of the gospel movement. In fact, while I was in the 8th grade, my desire was to work in the ministry. The Colorado conference experience raised questions for me: Was I being honest with myself about God? Was I being honest with God about my own spiritual state? I was saved but I had never pursued Christ.
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Celebrate Easter with Us!
This Easter you’re invited to experience the depths of Christ’s love for you. Because of His sacrifice and resurrection, we can joyfully celebrate the hope we have in Jesus together! Worship with us at Triad Baptist Church. There will be an uplifting message and powerful worship! We hope you’ll join us in discovering the joy of Christ this Easter.
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Hands to Hearts Yarn Drive
Church wide yarn drive supporting Hands to Hearts Ministry begins Sunday, Feb 2 and will run for the entire month of February. White donation baskets will be placed in the Main Office Lobby, Information Center, and Welcome Center.
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A ministry in the mix
As Triad Baptist’s latest construction project takes shape, a surprise gift honors an architect of the church’s growth.
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It may seem like a strange word of focus for 2023 but the life of faith literally "depends" on this vital antidote to self-reliance.
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One for the Road (Advice from a Cassette)
Rolling around on a couch bed while riding bumpy roads in the back of a big ‘ole conversion van as a kid may have been a foreshadowing of what adulthood actually looks like.
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Financial Peace University...We all need a plan for our money. Financial Peace University (FPU) is that plan! It teaches God's ways of handling money. Through video teaching, class discussions, and interactive small group activities, FPU uses biblical principles and a practical process to help you get control of your finances.
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Check Your Heart
You know, we all need a heart check sometimes. No, I’m not talking about a physical heart check, though that’s important. But I’m talking about a spiritual heart check. The Bible has much to say about our spiritual hearts and the importance of checking on them. One of my favorite verse's states, “Keep your heart with all diligence; for out of it spring the issues of life” (Proverbs 4:23).
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I Will Go
The enemy will always give us lots of excuses and reasons for not going, not serving, and not obeying! But, when our Lord calls, to wherever and whenever… to do whatever, may our answer be immediately, “I will go.”
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Comfort in a Crunch
Are you looking for those around you who are going through a tough time? Do you make an effort to encourage and comfort them? If so, you are doing exactly what God intended. You are a part of the body of Christ that is fulfilling an important mission.
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But First...Be Real
I acknowledge my weakness, my pride, my vulnerability and I humble myself before the Lord; there is an incredible freedom in this! But first I must be real about my pride, lack of trust, and need to control everything.
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Full-Time Worship Leader/Pastor Search
Full-time Worship Leader/Pastor search - I would also like to say that I am so thankful for the current interim leaders who have been leading the Contemporary Worship Service on a rotation basis. They each bring their unique skill sets and personality to the service. I want to thank each of them and the other team members that assist them each Sunday.
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Summer of Service
From Spain to the Triad VBS stage to North Carolina’s High Country, God’s plan for Mary DeHart this summer involved service in three different ministries.
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Looking for a Connect Group?
Our purpose at Triad Baptist Church is to connect people to God, to other believers, and to service. There is a place for you to connect at Triad and we believe that the process starts in a small group setting. By spending time each week with a small group, you can build relationships with others, share life with them, and be encouraged to pursue Jesus Christ in all that you do. It is our goal to have every member of our church involved in either a Connect Group or another similar small-group experience. While most groups are sermon-based, some are special interest groups focusing on topics such as parenting, marriage recovery, and Christian basics for new believers.
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How is Jesus Important in Your Everyday Life?
Many years ago, I worked as a reporter for the Kernersville newspaper. One of my jobs was to go around town and ask the “Man on the Street” question. For this blog post, I took that same simple interview approach and asked my family and some good friends we were with the following question:
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Small group, big results
Members of a Triad Baptist Connect Group worked behind the scenes to help transform the Worship Center into a stadium for this week’s “Game On” VBS.
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Wow, God had thought of everything! He knew exactly what Amy needed and had already provided her with those perfect brown eyes, long before she even realized that eye color was best!
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New Sermon Series begins this Sunday!
"Join the Journey" | A Study in the Gospel of Mark
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Life's Curve Balls
As Christians, we must deal with the ups and downs of life yet maintain a witness that will lead others to Christ. How do we do this when life throws us an unexpected sinker, slider, or curve ball that was never anticipated?
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“Real men don’t apologize.”
In our marriages and our relationships, apologizing should not be viewed as a weakness, but rather as a strength.
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Words, Wisdom, and the Digital Age
Each Sunday morning, I get a weekly report on the amount of time from the previous seven days that was spent with my eyes on the tiny 6-inch screen held in the palm of my hand. I’ll be honest some weeks aren’t so bad, and then there are others that honestly hurt my overall average. This calls out the danger of submerging our lives into this social media world, spending hours daily feeding our hearts and minds with the content placed there. Therefore, we need a test that can help us determine if the content I’m posting and the content I’m consuming are aligned with scripture as Philippians 4:8, “Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.”
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TBC Women's Min T Shirts
Ladies “Hope” T-shirt Fundraiser:(May 3 - June 30) Shirts are available in three colors and neckline options; cost is $15 each. (adult and kids sizes). To order go to tbcnow.org. Questions? email jodie.anker@tbcnow.org
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May Matters
Every May, we take time to spotlight different people and ministries within our church and community that we can come together to love on and pray for.
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Hope Ladies Conference | April 29 – 30 | Worship Center
TBC Women’s Ministry in conjunction with Mom Connection and The Ladies Event Planning Team are excited to welcome Reba Bowman of Dare for More Ministries for our Hope Ladies Conference on April 29-30. This event will be held in the Worship Center and is open to the public.
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Mirror, Mirror
How does God really see me? Not the image of a broken and burdened woman fed lies that defeat her. No, God sees me so differently!
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Building Something for God
Whenever you are building something for God, there are two voices that whisper in your ear. One voice is the voice of the enemy. This voice says that you are building a whole lot of nothing. The other voice, the voice of God, says just finish it out.
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Spring Has Sprung and Jesus is Alive!
It’s spring – an exciting time of the year that is full of life and serves as a reminder of the resurrection of Jesus Christ which secured eternal life for all believers.
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The Daffodils Defiance
And then daffodils. The whole world sleeping, snug, dark, cold. Everything brown, dead. But they push through, sticking little green noses up, up, up, in valiant defiance of the winter still clinging with frosty fingers. God’s incredible reminder that spring is coming. That no matter what today looks like from the corner of your kitchen to the larger world outside, spring is coming.
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A Better Outlook: A Reflection from Ruth
We all come with a story (that’s just a nice way to say baggage). We all have a history with things that aren’t so pleasant. And to be specific to our stories, we all have sinned. We are in need of a Boaz to look beyond our past and see us as image bearers of God. The person who has done this for us is Jesus Christ.
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Awake - March Special
Check it out! Our coffee shop is leading us into spring with their refreshing Dreamsicle Frappe - March special only! Stop by and give it a taste!
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Disciple Now (DNOW) April 1 - 3 | at TBC This gathering will challenge and help students grow in their relationship with the Lord. Hear phenomenal teaching and engage in great worship! Over the weekend, they will have chances to meet after the worship services to discuss with small group leaders what God is teaching them from the lessons. This year, we will include a service project for students to impact our local community. Registration Cost: $35 What’s Included? Friday dinner, Saturday lunch & dinner, Sunday breakfast, t-shirt, and a weekend full of activities at the church with your friends! Be sure to select your T-shirt size when you register! Registration LINK: https://onrealm.org/tbcnow/PublicRegistrations/Event?linkString=M2MwNDY1YjYtNmU5ZS00MTFhLThkOTctYWUzNjAxNTgwMjIz
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TBC Today Podcast for Women
Check out several special edition episodes of TBC Today, Triad Baptist's podcast, with guest host Jodie Anker (Women's Ministry Director), featuring interviews with women on topics like parenting, divorce, social media, recovery, sharing your faith, and more!
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Triad takes ‘NextGen’ approach with new building
A new educational building with 21 multipurpose classrooms is Triad Baptist Church’s latest answer to growing needs in Kernersville and beyond.
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Follow the Light
Today's world is very dark, and though we may not see a bright star in the sky to follow, we can be assured that we carry a light. Are we shining brightly enough to lead others to the Messiah this season?
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Ladies Self-Defense Training
The Triad Baptist First Responders Team is joining with the TBC Women’s Ministry to provide a free Self Defense class for ladies of any age or fitness level. Bring some friends and join us in the Youth Room for this exciting and informative class. January 18th, 6:30 PM, Youth Room
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TBC Family Favorite's Cookbook available
The long-awaited cookbook "Triad Family Favorites" is coming soon! This book features many tried and true recipes from the wonderful cooks in our church family! Proceeds from this fundraiser will go toward ministry efforts of Mom Connection and Armour of Light for Life.
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Jesus at the Center
With the hustle and bustle of this festive season, it's easy to get distracted and misplace our priorities. This year we invite you to join us at our very own "inn"! The Inn is managed by a trio of ladies who are attempting to produce a stage show about the birth of Christ; there's just one problem, no one can find the baby Jesus. A Christmas nativity scene must have all of the pieces to be complete. Without Jesus at the center, chaos is sure to take the spotlight.
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Life’s Roughest Storms Test the Strength of Your Anchor!
I know many of you are looking at your life’s radar, seeing the storms mount all around you while in deep waters. Claim Hebrews 6:19, “We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.”
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Bloom minders
The Worship Center entrance and Triad Baptist Church grounds have a new fall look — the latest work by a volunteer team whose motto is “We plant and God makes them grow.”
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He is Enough
The next question arose, “Is the Lord the only thing I want?” That’s especially hard during the next six weeks as we lead to Christmas. There’s a bombardment of messages telling me I want so much more than I have.
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Basket blessing
Inspired by the support they’ve received during the pandemic, Mallory and Stephen Mast are showing the love of Christ to others through their “Quarantine Blessing Busy Baskets.”
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Leader and follower
For Soloman Patrick Jr., his journey to headmaster at Triad Baptist Christian Academy began with burnt biscuits and a car ride.
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Reynolds returns to Romania to make disciples
Rick and Patty Reynolds are living out their faith in Romania by evangelizing, discipling and spiritually equipping the Gypsy people.
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A Sub-Saharan Summer of Service
West Africa became a living classroom this summer for teacher Suzanne Smith who learned the power of the present.
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Back to School in Permanent Ink
The mom in me wants to plan with a permanent marker, but the realist says, "stick to the pencil as things are constantly changing."
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You Go First (Tips for Improving You and Your Relationships)
If you’re hoping someone you care about will change, and if you want to be proactive in helping that change happen, you should act the way you want that other person to act. That is, you go first.
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decus et tutamen
About a year ago, I came across a British coin that I found to be fascinating...As I saw the image on this coin, I was instantly reminded of what the Apostle Paul said in Romans 8...
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Triad Baptist to offer new Family VBS
With three two-night sessions (or pods) for children and their parents July 18-23, Triad moves from a home-based experience in 2020 to the onsite “Heroes at Heart” Family VBS.
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Unraveled to renew
From her childhood through COVID and beyond, Gail Peterson has seen God take life’s threads apart to build anew.
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Man of Fire
For 14 years, God has used Randy Thompson’s hands to stoke forever flames of faith at Triad’s Junior Retreat.
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Stepping Out in Faith!
We have our own opportunities each day to demonstrate our faith, to do what is right regardless of the circumstances and certainly without knowing the consequences.
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City Park Church forges ahead to make Christ known
Triad Baptist’s first church plant is officially on its own in Winston-Salem’s Washington Park Community
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Treasure in the Trash
There was treasure found in that trash that night. I was guilty of clinging to the past
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Flattery, Mentorship, and Hearing the Voice of God
Imitation is the highest form of flattery. But if there is anything higher than that and more important than flattery itself, I would say it is to move beyond imitation to finding out who you are and the power of being you.
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We are making a cookbook
We are making a cookbook - Deadline June 15 Mom Connection is putting together a cookbook for our church family called “Triad’s Family Favorites“. We would love for you to be a part of it! The cookbook will not only include recipes, but you will have the option to submit photos and stories to go along with them. We want to connect with our church family, after being apart for so long. We are looking forward to seeing your smiling faces in the photos...We have missed you!
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Faith and Technology: A Great Team!
We live in a digital age that is a playground for Millennials (ages 18 to 29). Most children and teens are more proficient than their parents with computers, tablets, and mobile phones. In a recent Barna study, Millennials certainly stand apart in their unsurpassed digital-savvy. They’re also in a class of their own when it comes to faith experience and practice. The Millennials are using technology in three unique ways to practice their faith.
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Grounds for good
Open again after a hiatus during COVID, the Awake Café continues its 11th year of supporting student ministry and helping youth encounter Jesus Christ.
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Main Street footballer
A champion of the world’s top sport is bringing Upward Soccer back to Triad Baptist Church’s South Main Street campus for the kids.
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Connecting women through ministry
The new head of women’s ministries at Triad Baptist Church is tapping her experiences as a military wife and ministry leader to help women feel loved and supported.
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Tech transition
The timing of a key software upgrade allowed Triad Baptist to handle increases in online giving, and digitally connect members amid the pandemic.
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‘I have just got to tell them about Jesus’
Devan Hailey has a new mission in life: healing bodies and souls through clean water.
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Special forever.
Even if you feel the whole world is against you and you lack even a single friend to turn to, you’re never really alone, unloved, and unspecial. You’re special because God made you.
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The Blacksmith's Hands
I take great comfort in the fact that he [God] personally oversees the process of my sanctification, a process that will continue until I reach eternity and I am made complete in Him.
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The Equipping Work in Your Post-Holiday Silence
We often hear about the "Christmas blues," but there is also such a thing called the "post-holiday" blues too. It's caused by transitioning back into our regular, lackluster post-holiday schedules. Life now feels a little more undesirably silent.
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Greater Than
The audience of the book of Hebrews were Jewish Christians and they were getting hassled by the Jews in their community because they walked away from the teachings of Judaism, the Law, and the sacrificial system. The Jewish Christians were trusting in Christ alone and saw Him as far superior to anyone or anything else. They believed Jesus Christ was all they needed to trust and depend on.
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God Loves Us...Warts and All
It’s difficult for many of us to understand how much God loves us or accepts us as we are. Scripturally, we are told that God loves us. He loves everybody, doesn’t He? But how much does He love us on a personal level? Does He accept us… warts and all? That’s a much different thought to ponder.
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Message in the mix
Children and their families experienced the Christmas story anew through “Dough Holy Night” at Triad Baptist Church.
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How TBC went ‘home’ for Christmas in 2020
“Social distancing” and “community spread” weren’t buzzwords when Triad Baptist started work on the 2020 Christmas show.
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All You Need is Love
One man has said, “Love is spelled W-O-R-K.” In theory, we would like for love to be enough; but in reality, a successful, happy marriage requires more than love, it requires work. My marriage is a work in progress. Most marriages that are successful, enduring, and joyful have the same thing in common
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Care packages for caring hearts
Amid COVID-19, a group of Triad Baptist Church members made a surprise delivery to health care workers on the front lines of COVID-19 at Novant Health Kernersville Medical Center.
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Merger gives City Park Church its own building
The first church planted by Triad Baptist wasn’t expecting to own its own building and land this quickly.
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A call in the chaos
COVID-19 cut her overseas internship short but not before Abby Hurst learned that it’s not what you do, but the relationships you build that matter most on mission for Jesus Christ.
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Mask-making mom serves by example
A Triad Baptist mom finds a stay-at-home way to serve others and teach her daughter what it means to share Jesus Christ’s love with others in trying times.
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Drive-through meals that heal
Triad Baptist Church is helping Second Harvest Food Bank of Northwest North Carolina fill plates and soothe spirits during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Helping Seniors Stay Connected Amid COVID-19
The global pandemic reveals an opportunity to better serve and care for Triad Baptist Church’s older adults.
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The Day Worship Went Home
Young and old are adapting to the new normal of COVID-19 at Triad Baptist -- all-online church.
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Coronavirus Update
In an effort to be cautious, Triad Baptist Church has made the decision to adhere to the recommendations from the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) in regard to the recent Coronavirus outbreak. Our Team is committed to prepare, monitor, and respond appropriately to help in the prevention of the virus in our community.
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A ministry of mind and heart
Tim Wall’s mother, Peggy, and thousands like her inspire him to minister to and advocate for those with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia.
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City Park Church continues 105-year legacy
The Rev. Bill Campbell, pastor of Memorial Reformed Church, calls City Park Church an ‘answer to prayer’ as the new church plant puts its nearly empty building to use again for Jesus Christ.
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Check out our Sunday night SNAC!
This fall our Sunday Night Adult Classes will feature seven areas of study. Our classes will be ten weeks in length, and they will continue through November 10, 2024. Our core classes will be offered during three sessions per year. Electives will be formed on the basis of creativity, interest, and speaker availability. Our core classes consist of personal growth in discipleship in order to prepare one for leadership positions at Triad Baptist and to develop the member into a mature Christian.
Keep ReadingJul 22
decus et tutamen
About a year ago, I came across a British coin that I found to be fascinating...As I saw the image on this coin, I was instantly reminded of what the Apostle Paul said in Romans 8...
Jul 18
Triad Baptist to offer new Family VBS
With three two-night sessions (or pods) for children and their parents July 18-23, Triad moves from a home-based experience in 2020 to the onsite “Heroes at Heart” Family VBS.
Jul 15
Unraveled to renew
From her childhood through COVID and beyond, Gail Peterson has seen God take life’s threads apart to build anew.
Jul 14
Man of Fire
For 14 years, God has used Randy Thompson’s hands to stoke forever flames of faith at Triad’s Junior Retreat.
Jul 12
Stepping Out in Faith!
We have our own opportunities each day to demonstrate our faith, to do what is right regardless of the circumstances and certainly without knowing the consequences.
Triad Baptist’s first church plant is officially on its own in Winston-Salem’s Washington Park Community