
VBS Express

I attended many Vacation Bible Schools as a child, and then have continued to help serve in even more Vacation Bible Schools. This year’s 2013 Treasure Quest VBS was especially exciting and special for me because it was my first time attending and helping at Triad Baptist Church.
I have never seen anything like the hundreds of people coming together to serve our children and our Lord. The amount of time and planning put into VBS still amazes me as I think back on everything that happened. I learned so much from Mr. Tim and the other dedicated workers beforehand, during and after VBS. God truly deserves the glory for so many great and unforgettable memories made during the week of VBS.
As hard as it is, if I had to choose just one memory of the week to call my favorite it would be a response to a question I asked a young lady attending VBS. I asked her if she was having a good week, and her response was, “Nope!” Somewhat caught of guard I then asked her why she had said “nope.” The little girl then said, “It only lasts one week, and I want VBS to last forever!!!” I could not help but laugh, but it was evident that a desire to learn about God was obviously present in her life. This truly gives evidence of the Lord’s blessing on Triad’s VBS.
God truly is using Vacation Bible School and the people of Triad to make an eternal difference in so many lives, mine included.

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Phase 2 Shot of TBC B&W 17

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