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Milestones mark a time of celebrating where you have come, a time to recalibrate where you are going, and a time to reexamine if you are on course. I believe that at Triad Baptist Church we have created and are adding milestones that represent who we are as a body of believers. My desire is to see our church become a church “aflame.” A church aflame is a bright living reality of Jesus as seen within each of us—it is supernatural.

To be a church aflame, we first need God in us. Without the control of the Holy Spirit, we are mere glimmers in this dark world; we are, however, bright lights when we are yielded to the will of God and allow His leading. I believe if we remain steadfast in the ways of God, we will have His supernatural power in our lives.

The four milestones of Triad Baptist Church work hand in hand, yet have an order that makes them distinct and helps us maintain balance as we move forward on the path of a closer relationship to Christ and a stronger church body. The mission of our church is to point lives to Christ—the cross of Christ is the center of all that we believe and all that we do.

The first milestone is the “act of bowing down”—it is the opportunity of falling before the Lord in worship. The heart of the believer longs to worship God who is the only one worthy of our worship. Church is a great place to worship God, however, worship is not restricted to a place. Worship is where a body of believers comes together to focus fully on God. Giving God our full attention only works when we ourselves are pure of heart and mind. The Word of God must be central in all we think, say and do. Worship becomes natural when our music exalts Him and our prayers are not self-motivated but rather humbly presented before His throne. When we are in a state of worship we love each other more, we become more giving of ourselves, and we are moved to be better participants of the ministries in which we are afforded.

As we worship together, we create a bond; we connect on a deeper, more spiritual level. Connection is a form of “fellowship.” Fellowship is simply a close mutual relationship in which people share things they have in common and remain involved with one another. We must understand that everyone hurts, but not everyone admits their pain; fellowship of believers provides a “safe place” for the purpose to share. Sunday School classes, Life Groups, mentoring programs, church gatherings and socials are all a way we can come together as a unit, as a “family” who shares the same mind-set—the mind of Christ.

In the early church, everyone endeavored to serve one another. They came together in faith, and no one was forced to serve or give…it was voluntary; the supernatural power of God was falling on saved people, thus producing servants.

It takes many, many people to make a church function, it takes hard work, and though our labor sometimes goes unnoticed, it is never in vain when done selflessly. If we are a church that is willing to serve, we will be a growing church, a church with a greater impact for God.

The final milestone is our opportunity to reach. The early church was consistently reaching out to those who were in need of the gospel of Christ. We can’t just live it—we can’t just be an example, we must be actively sharing the gospel of Christ with others. We should, as a body of believers, desire to see people saved, we should desire to see them grow in the grace and knowledge of God, let us be challenged to be a church that intentionally reaches out into the world with the good news of Christ. We must overcome our fears and insecurities –the key is to get out of the way and let the Holy Spirit use us.

As we move forward, together as a body of believers, let us be encouraged through our worship to God, let us connect through a deep bond of fellowship with each other, let us humbly serve one another and let us reach out into the world with the message of hope and love found only through the gospel of Christ.

--Pastor Rob, Lead Pastor | Adapted from the sermon “A Church Aflame: State of the Church Address” | October, 2011