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Radical Living: Building your money around your faith

TBC Featured Blog Interview Rob 17

If it’s not a “campaign” — Lead Pastor Rob Decker says the church’s next fundraising campaign is at least seven years away — and not an push to meet specific capital needs, exactly what is the “Radical Living” program that Triad Baptist has promoted through videos, mailings, online, and in social media?

Pastor Rob said it’s really a call, backed by the church’s Executive Leadership Team and support and resources from the church’s Estate Planning Team, to help members see their money as an integral part of their daily walk of faith, living, and giving as followers of Jesus Christ.

“As with other aspects of your life, how you share the financial resources God has given you, no matter how large or small, is an expression of the relationship you have with Jesus Christ,” he said. “Faith comes first and then the love you have for Christ and acknowledgement of what He has done for you permeates all aspects of your life, including what you do with your money.

“The last thing we want to do is tell people how to spend what they earn or have been blessed with since we don’t the circumstances but since Jesus himself talked so much about giving as a window to the soul and heart, we want to encourage members to join with us and further enlarge the culture of generosity that has long characterized our church,” Pastor Rob added. “God doesn’t need money, He needs hearts, and when you focus on living for Christ, the kind of giving Luke talks about in Luke 6:8 and that Paul talks about in 2 Corinthians 8-9 is the natural result.”

Pastor Rob said that the “Radical Living” program is directed by the church’s Estate Planning Team and builds on its seminars and other church efforts to help people invest eternally through Triad Baptist. (See the first, second, and final installment of a Radical Living Q&A with Estate Planning Team chair Jay Tyner for more about the effort.)

Along with regular financial support of the church, Pastor Rob said “Radical Living” can include gifts of real estate, securities and other financial services products, automobiles or even cash just as members advance the cause of Jesus Christ through their worship, service, and use of spiritual gifts. (See the Radical Living section of about financial giving options.)

Among the creative giving examples in recent years that have helped Triad reduce debt and free up money for outreach: the donation of a car and a mountain vacation home.

“Our goal in 2016 through the increased emphasis of ‘Radical Living’ was to begin the process of thinking beyond giving in tithing to legacy giving and how gifts will impact future ministry and benefit our children and grandchildren and community and nation and world and further extend our vision to reach, serve, worship, and connect,” Pastor Rob said.

Beyond the $14,000 Triad provided to help its own families through tough times, the money missionaries have used to plant churches, or the assistance that has allowed Salem Pregnancy Care Center to help mothers keep their children and preserve life, Pastor Rob said there is even more that could be done.

“The gospel voice grows stronger and stronger as we invest in these opportunities as His people, the church,” he said. “With a ministry like ‘Loving the Least of These,’ for example, the support members enable us to provide helps a child have a safe and loving home. Can you imagine the difference that makes not only to that child in their lifetime but all the others they will touch along the way?

“As I like to say, ‘We are not a great church (after all, the Bible says there is ‘none not good, no not one’ — why we need a Savior), but we serve a great God.’ Through Radical Living, we get to open doors that no man can open or no man can close. I make a difference in eternity and God makes a difference in me.”

‘Nothing without God’

Triad Baptist member Wayne Newkirk has personally seem the impact of that kind of living and giving in his own life. As featured in the Radical Living brochure, he used his business talents and God’s resources to grow his company’s business, tithe, contribute to church ministries, give to the poor, and eventually mentor others one-on-one about the fruits of Godly living and giving.

“Do I reap monetarily or physically (from these efforts)?” Newkirk asks, before answering his own question. “What I reap is joy and satisfaction and knowing that, through giving holistically and not just through money but my time and talents I am helping grow God’s church — His people!”

“I know I can do nothing without God.”

For a free consultation with Tyner or his associate Eric Mattinson, email or Members interested in giving in person or wanting to learn more about “Radical Living” also can contact Executive Administrator Dennis Roberts ( or call 336-996-7573 and request an appointment.

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