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Register now for this year's VBS. SPACE IS LIMITED! (Registration Deadline is July 8.) The theme for VBS 2024 is BUILD: Build Your Life on Jesus! Every night at Triad’s Vacation Bible School, children ages 3 through grade 5 will discover the importance of building your life on Jesus - choosing to follow Jesus and seek Him in every area of your life!

Fill a bottle - change a life! TBC ALL ministry is partnering with Salem Pregnancy Center to raise money to help educate and offer practical support to women and men facing an unplanned pregnancy. Scan the QR code to donate online, or grab a baby bottle from the Welcome Center; fill it with change; and return it by the end of June.

Samuel consistently obeyed the Lord, stood up for the Lord’s way when it wasn’t popular to anyone at the time, and served people with the care and love of God. Starting as a boy in one temple, God moved him to be the last judge for the entire nation. God loves using young people. What little thing is calling you to do for Him now? What big thing could he turn that into later?